Blogger BlogNet44857

How to Make Money From My Website Online


The Internet presents a great opportunity to a determined entrepreneur. You have access to a global market, I cannot think of a better sales tool. If you have decided to use this revolutionary tool, one thing you will need is a website.

A website is the equivalent of having a store offline, a base from which to sell your products and services. The difference with a website is that your website must possess qualities that will entice prospects to pull out their wallet and spend money with you.

The first must-have in order to make money from your website would be a product or service that you are marketing on your website. Once that product has been determined and in place, your website is responsible for putting that product in the hands of prospects that come through your online doors.

To successfully pull this off, it is important that the words on your website are able to talk to the prospects just as a top sales representative for a fortune 500 company would. If you plan to make any kind of money from your website, good salesmanship on your website is a must, its not optional!

The words on your website should speak to visitors as thou the person was right in front of you. This is the most effective way to make money with your website online. Another important factor that will be the traffic that you are sending to your website. If you are sending traffic to your website that is general in nature, the results you will get will not be as good compared to being able to send targeted traffic to your site.

Targeted traffic is simply defined as the group of people that are most qualified to visit your webpage based on how they found your website. For example, if someone was conducting a search on the Internet using a specific keyword phrase and they found your website through pay-per-click ad, they would be more qualified than a visitor that found your site through a classified ad.

I wasted 17 months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing Content Marketing vs. Google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website and also increase your opt-in rate. visit

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Blogger BlogNet44857: Nov 28, 2008

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