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The REAL Way to Make Money Online!


So you've been searching and searching ways to make money at home and online. Well stop now because I have done the researching for you! I have found several solid ways to make money online. All of which is easy work and very profitable!

My favorite one so far and the program that has brought me the most income is MintJobs. It is a great affiliate program that has everything laid out for you step by step. There are numerous free resources that are available to you and more than enough ideas to get you started and to keep you going! This is by far the easiest and most profitable program that I have become a part of!! If you really want to make a solid income working from home this program is seriously one of the best that you can sign up with and use all to your advantage!!

Another program that I have found to be profitable as well is the Paid Survey Program. I have tried numerous ways to find and be paid for completing online surveys and have had no success. But with the Paid Survey Program I have been able to keep a steady income going! Although it is not ranked as my #1, I still recommend signing up with this program as well because it is based on how many surveys and focus groups you complete. So the more you do, the more income you receive, but it is all up to you on how much money you want to make! That is the beauty of this program!

I am a full-time working mother of two who for months searched and researched ways that I could make "extra" money online. I have a good, solid job that really pays well, but my bills and debt just kept piling up. With daycare, credit card debt, bills and all of the expenses that constantly "pop" up when you have kids I needed something that could get me out of debt and fast! I finally found it and just wanted share with you what really works!!

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5 Steps to Successfully Competing in a Blogging Contest


With 'Blogging Idol' coming close to the half way mark I am guessing most of you know where you are standing and how you have been going. I want to take a quick look at 5 easy steps to make sure that you come away with a good result.

Now when I say good result, I don't mean that you have to walk away the winner of the contest. Although that would be nice - you may have notice that over 100 blogs have been entered into the contest the odds are not really in our favour to win, so how do you make sure you are a winner even if you don't walk away with first place and a massive prize pool?

So You Don't Enter Contests To Win?

No, I am not saying that. Sure have winning as one of your goals, but for me personally, there are other reasons for entering contests - especially rss ones like 'Blogging Idol'.

I have come up with 5 steps to help you successfully complete a blogging contest.

1. List Your Reasons For Entering

Why are you entering this contest? Sure to win the main prize, but what if you don't? What else do you want to accomplish? With Blogging Idol I had to look at this because I new my chances of beating 100+ bloggers was pretty slim. I knew I had to have other reason for entering. I decided that that the main reason for entering this competition was to motivate myself to increase the effort I put in to this blog and to increase my RSS feed count dramatically.

2. Set Your Goals For The Contests - Based Off Your Reasons For Entering

Now we have a reason for entering, that isn't winning, we have to start setting goals for each of these reasons. This is where SMART goals come into play. You need to make sure your goals are:

S - Specific M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Relevant

T - Time Bound

So i decided my goal was:

To increase my RSS feed count from 30 to 100 subscribers within the month of July.

You will notice that this goal fits every step of the SMART goals formula. Have goals that fit this formula makes it easy to see if you are on track and gives you a definable goal that will either be achieved or not.

3. Create A Plan To Accomplish Your Goals

Goals are all good and well, but how are you going to achieve them? Now is the time you need to start looking at creating your plan. This is where you take your goal, and break it down into smaller bite size pieces and laying out your strategy to achieve it.

With my goal, I created a plan that listed a few ways that I would meet them. I listed them when I posted about my goals for July. I also wrote a guest post on about how to break your goals into smaller more manageble goals. The key here is to map out the course you are taking to achieve your goals.

4. Carry Out Your Plans

This is where you have to do what you said you were going to do. Take your plan and start putting it into motion. You have come this far by having a reason to enter, creating goals, and setting forth a strategy to achieve these goals - don't give up now! Take the daily steps you need to achieve what you set out to do.

5. If You Meet Your Goals Early - Adjust Them Higher

This is the fun part! The thing about SMART goals is that if you have set in motion a strategy to complete them - you will most likely achieve them early. I have done this with Blogging Idol. I set myself a goal to have over 100 subscribers by the end of July. I set my plan into motion and totally smashed my goal by achieving it in the first 12 days of July. So do I just slow down and go back to normal? No way! I have doubled my goals and now plan on having 200 rss subscribers by the end of July.

To find out more about creating and build a successful blog visit:

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How to Reverse the Zero Profit Spiral


Congratulations for taking the time to review, learn, and act on what you're about to discover from this here. The operative phrase here is "to review, learn, and act". If, after reviewing and learning what I'm about to share, you fail to act by taking the steps needed to realize the financial results you're looking for, then let's face it, you will have wasted one of the most valuable resources that there is...YOUR TIME, AND you'll be no better off financially for having read this report than you would be had you not read it.

If on the other hand, you do review, learn, take action you'll know exactly how to achieve the positive financial outcome that you've been looking for online. With that said, let's begin...

All business systems work on the same fundamental model of
Input -> Process -> Output

Consider the business process for any money making system (online or offline)
Input Process Output
Business Owners -> Invest to Acquire Goods and Services -> Goods and Services for Sale
Marketers -> Generate Interest in Goods and Services for Sale -> Consumer Interest
Interested Consumers -> Buy Goods and Services for Sale -> Business Owner Income
Business Owner Income -> Pay Business Expenses -> Profit to re-invest

Why is this model important for you to understand?

Because it illustrates some obvious but nonetheless significant points of truth when it comes to making money online or offline:

1. Business Owners use THEIR money to acquire and produce goods and services for sale

2. Marketers earn THEIR money through commissions from the sale of goods and services

3. Business Owner Income resulting from goods and services for sale being purchased is what pays marketer commissions and produces profit to reinvest in more goods and services

And the process repeats.

Now, I'd like you to notice something with regard to the business system model.
Notice WHEN everyone gets paid. Everyone gets paid WHEN an Interested Consumer makes a purchase. When an Interested Consumer makes a purchase the result is a Sale.

There's NO Secret.
There's NO Magic Button.
There's NO Whiz-Bang Technology.

Bottom Line: No one makes ANY money until a sale occurs.

As a business owner, the income from the sale of goods and services is at a price point sufficient to do the following:

Recover your initial investment, so you can re-invest
Pay commissions to marketers
Make you a profit to live the lifestyle you choose

As a business marketer, you have no investment to acquire and produce the goods and services for sale; however, you likely have expenses associated with advertising the goods and services for sale to potential consumers, and with the cost of being a marketer. Therefore, your commission from the sale of the business owner's goods and services that you represent must be sufficient to do the following:

Recover your costs to advertise to consumers (Just as the owner recovers
his/her initial investment)

Pay expenses associated with being a marketer (Marketing system, Continuing
Marketing Education) (Just as the owner pays commissions)

Make you a profit to live the lifestyle you choose

Now, it's important to notice here that the business owner passes the cost of advertising to consumers along to you the marketer, and as should be obvious by now, if the commission you receive on a sale is not sufficient to do all three things listed above, then what happens? Here's what happens...


Because you fail to consider to two key things:

Revenue - the total amount of money for goods or services sold during a given time period.

Profit - The positive gain from a business operation after subtracting for all expenses.

So, if you never understood before
WHY most fail to make any significant cash online?
WHY most give up and jump to another program when the latest one isn't
working as expected?
WHY the latest and greatest system isn't doing it all for you like you thought it
WHY you can never seem to make any SIGNIFICANT money even though
you're making a few sales?

Now you know...its THE PROFIT FACTOR.

So, if you've followed what I've presented so far then hopefully you've had an "AH HA!" moment.


Because NOW you should understand the following:


So, how do you turn things around?

Here's how...
First, consider who's really cashing in every month from the program you're promoting. Is it the Business/Affiliate Program Owner (BAPO)?
Is it YOU the Business/Affiliate Program Marketer (BAPM)?


Well, if you said the Business/Affiliate Program Owner, you're right! WHY?
Because the Business/Affiliate Program Owner after recovering his/her initial
investment which can be reinvested again and again to drive the business cycle, any money left over not used for business reinvestment or to pay commissions is guessed it...PROFIT.

What's more, because the BAPO likely has a small army of affiliates generating
revenue for him/her, in a given 30 day period the BAPO realizes profit from multiple sales, and if the BAPO effectively manages his/her costs, then KA-CHING, KA-CHING!

Absolutely! The Business/Affiliate Program Marketer can make an absolute killing by doing 3 simple things.

There are 3 things that the Business/Affiliate Program Marketer can do to reverse the ZERO PROFIT SPIRAL!

1. Focus on monthly revenue (sales commissions) exceeding monthly expenses
(advertising, marketing system, continuing marketing education costs)
2. Apply effective cost management and use profit centers to earn from
everything you do.
3. Increase your commission per sale.

Wayne Brooks is an Affiliate Blogging Expert, a Guerrilla Information Marketing Certified Trainer, and Founder of's Affiliate Blogger Network, a community for Bloggers and Internet Entrepreneurs seeking profitability through affiliate marketing. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. Discover more ways to monetize and profit from your blog using Atomic Blogging and Affiliate Marketing by visiting

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Blogging To Greatness - Critical Lessons On The Path To Success


If you are planning to be a successful blogger, here are some tips you can use to up your blogging game.

  • Blogging is not the same as making a website

Blogging has its roots in maintaining a diary and has more in common with keeping a journal than maintaining a website.

So it has little to do with installing a nice looking website template (although that helps) or installing the latest whiz-bang widget (which slows down the page loading for your readers) and has everything to do with your content.

Compelling content is highly relevant to the reader, acknowledges them as equal (whether they are newbies or experienced bloggers or internet marketers), and provides useful takeaways.

  • Blogging involves dynamic linking

Blogging is the text-based grown up brother to IRC (instant relay chat) and the instant messaging software out there. It gives you room to "talk" to other bloggers.

Looking at technologies like blog comments, trackbacks and pingbacks to initiate conversations with other bloggers.

Unlike a website, a blog is dynamic, and facilitates 2 way communication. Conversations have been started on blogs which eventually resulted in partnerships and joint ventures. In some cases, they have even ended up in marriage.

Blogging, like anything else in the Internet Marketing industry is what you make of it.

It can be a communication tool, it can be used to build a community, it can be used to generate income.

Is your blogging success guaranteed?

I do not think that anything can ever be guaranteed, but the following tips can help heighten the odds in your favor.

  • Empathy

Understanding your audience and being familiar with their preferences and thinking helps you create content that is relevant for yourself and your readers.

Making the mistake of blogging in a vacuum, without care or regard for your audience is a surefire way to stall your blogging efforts.

  • Openess

It's be mentioned on numerous blogs that often the most embarrassing, personal experiences which most bloggers shudder at the prospect of publishing, often are their signature or landmark pieces.

Blogging about a business failure, or a failed relationship seems to be unwise, or in same cases, just plain stupid.

But it's blogging about these issues that gives a blog it's "human" characteristics that readers are able to identify with.

Informative, fact-based blogging is useful, but it does not touch the heart, quite like relating a personal experience.

  • Personality

Successful blogs are not about recycled content, rehashed public label rights article, or automated posting. They have everything to do with a human face behind the blog.

Even if you are planning to launch a corporate blog, it is worth considering putting a human face behind the blogs, so that readers have a fellow human being to identify with, rather than a company logo or faceless corporate entity in front of them.

Andrew Wee is an Internet Marketer focused on blogging and social traffic generation. As a blogger, he enjoys sharing his experience to help other bloggers develop quality traffic-generating content. For free Internet Marketing resources, visit:

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My Blog Stinks - How Do I Come Up With a Creative Topic?


Do you get overwhelmed when trying to come up with something creative to write about in you blog? I know I do. It can seem like a difficult task finding something that will be of interest to your readers.

You want to really grab their attention so that they keep coming back for more. What was the last blog about that you read? Was it something of interest to you? Why did you read it? Was it the title or the opening statement? Was it something you wanted to learn more about? This is the ultimate key to blogging! You want your readers to want to come back for more. It really isn't as hard as you think it is. I believe sometimes you are thinking so hard that you literally just go blank. Even if you are not an expert writer you can still come up with interesting tops for your blogs. It should be a fun process. You just need to give it some time to get your mind rolling with creating ideas and relax.

There are several ways to think of creative topics for your blogs. Is there a particular topic you are interested in? Go with that and research the latest news on that topic. This is a great way to get yourself going. If you blog is more broad then you have a lot more options and wiggle room to think of creative ideas.

Brainstorming is another great way to start. This is something I remember doing a lot of in school. Write down the topic you are thinking about using and then make a list of everything you can think of that is related. Then do the same thing for all of the new topics you wrote down. You can repeat this process over and over. Do it in the form of a circle map where your main topic is circled in the middle. Then branch out all around it with new circles.

You can also start by scanning through magazines or papers and cut out anything that interests you or that catches your eye. If it interests you it will probably interest others. Keep all of your clippings organized so that you can flip through them anytime you are stumped for ideas.

Keep you eyes open all the time because you can find new topics anywhere. Keep a notepad in your pocket so that you can write down quick notes as you think of them. That way you don't ever have to worry about forgetting anything.

Are you dreaming about working at home? Stop dreaming and start taking action now. There are several ways to earn an income from home online. Find out how you can get one-on-one coaching, support and all the tools and training you need to be successful!

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Blog Not Making Money? Try Value, Not Content


No easy money

It never ceases to amaze me how many blog authors and website owners out there complain they are not making any money. It's almost like they expect to create a blog on Blogspot or Wordpress, then sit back and watch the money roll in. They are almost surprised when they don't become millionaires overnight! The fact that their blogs are often devoid of content and provide even less value seems to escape them.

There are others who proudly point to their "content" and then complain bitterly that they are only making a few bucks a month in AdSense revenue. They have failed to differentiate between content and value. Content and value are not the same thing. Content is just a way of potentially presenting value to the consumer.

Value is King!

It used to be said that "content is King!". To a certain extent that is true. But I would rather rephrase it "value is King!". It is possible to have a lot of content, that is of very little value. For example, some blogs have literally hundreds of posts about some trivia such as what the owner's cat had for breakfast or how much further they plunged into debt. For the vast majority of people these "triviality blogs" have very little real value. That isn't to say there isn't a market for pet-related blogs or debt management blogs, but it's important to remember there is a difference between content and value. Content may, or may not, have value, from the perspective of the reader rather than the writer.

If you want to make money from your blog you need to concentrate on creating value.

How to create value

So how do you create value? Well, here are the sorts of questions you can ask to determine value:

Does this information save the reader time?

Does this save the reader money?

Does this help the reader make money?

Does this give the reader a new insight into a particular thorny problem?

Does this give the reader a new skill?

Does this information entertain?

Does this information help the reader lead a fuller life?

Does this help the reader fulfill their dreams?

Does the content have spiritual meaning or enhance spirituality?

The point is the information should provide some measurable direct benefit to the reader. That can be measured in various ways such as in terms of convenience, entertainment value, skills and learning, financial, personal development, to name just a few - this is by no means an exhaustive list.

Me too?

Another question to ask yourself is this:

Can the content I provide be found elsewhere, possibly in a more convenient and better presented format?

Or this:

Can the content I provide be easily produced by someone else?

If the answer to either of these questions is "yes", then you probably aren't providing enough value.

If on the other hand you have created a blog about your cat that people find incredibly funny, then you have created something of value. Especially if that humour is unique and difficult for others to duplicate.

A blog is not value

A lot of people also get confused between the delivery platform and value. A blog is not value - it is a delivery platform. A website is not value. They are just methods of, potentially, delivering content that may or may not have value.

Today the barrier to entry in blogging has never been lower. Virtually anyone can set up as a blogger - often for free. It is possible to create a full-blown website, without any technical skills at all, in minutes. There are countless "half-baked" blogs and sites out there. But the question is, where is the content and, more importantly, where is the value in that content?

The profit is in the value

The main determinant as to whether your blog will be profitable or not is whether or not you provide true value. Value is something people will pay for, or it will attract them to your site (or blog) and that traffic can be monetized through systems such as AdSense.

If your blog or site is not delivering the financial rewards you expect it's time to stand back and ask yourself how much genuine value you provide.

Tony Bedford first started blogging in March 2000. Tony currently maintains a free guide to more profitable blogging at

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My Blog Stinks - How Do I Come Up With a Creative Topic?


Do you get overwhelmed when trying to come up with something creative to write about in you blog? I know I do. It can seem like a difficult task finding something that will be of interest to your readers.

You want to really grab their attention so that they keep coming back for more. What was the last blog about that you read? Was it something of interest to you? Why did you read it? Was it the title or the opening statement? Was it something you wanted to learn more about? This is the ultimate key to blogging! You want your readers to want to come back for more. It really isn't as hard as you think it is. I believe sometimes you are thinking so hard that you literally just go blank. Even if you are not an expert writer you can still come up with interesting tops for your blogs. It should be a fun process. You just need to give it some time to get your mind rolling with creating ideas and relax.

There are several ways to think of creative topics for your blogs. Is there a particular topic you are interested in? Go with that and research the latest news on that topic. This is a great way to get yourself going. If you blog is more broad then you have a lot more options and wiggle room to think of creative ideas.

Brainstorming is another great way to start. This is something I remember doing a lot of in school. Write down the topic you are thinking about using and then make a list of everything you can think of that is related. Then do the same thing for all of the new topics you wrote down. You can repeat this process over and over. Do it in the form of a circle map where your main topic is circled in the middle. Then branch out all around it with new circles.

You can also start by scanning through magazines or papers and cut out anything that interests you or that catches your eye. If it interests you it will probably interest others. Keep all of your clippings organized so that you can flip through them anytime you are stumped for ideas.

Keep you eyes open all the time because you can find new topics anywhere. Keep a notepad in your pocket so that you can write down quick notes as you think of them. That way you don't ever have to worry about forgetting anything.

Are you dreaming about working at home? Stop dreaming and start taking action now. There are several ways to earn an income from home online. Find out how you can get one-on-one coaching, support and all the tools and training you need to be successful!

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